15 Quotes That Will Motivate You to Start a Side Business (and Become a Better Entrepreneur)

15 Quotes That Will Motivate You to Start a Side Business (and Become a Better Entrepreneur)

If you are one of the record-breaking individuals who have recently taken on additional work, you know that it is normal to have good days and bad days. Every entrepreneur experiences slumps in motivation, procrastinating as an alternative of tackling the mountain of labor that lies ahead. But at the end of the day, true entrepreneurs know that you simply have to push through those feelings and force yourself to do what is sometimes difficult.

There’s little doubt that more and more Americans are finding ways to develop side hustles. More than half (54%) of Americans say they’ve taken on a side hustle to complement their primary source of income, and that’s very true for Generation Z. Even a third of baby boomers say they’ve taken on a side hustle.

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But when if you’re going to make your side hustle a reality, you have to commit to identifying the times when you’re procrastinating, wasting time, and avoiding the hard things you have to be doing. You have to pursue what you wish with single-minded focus. This is real exertions.

To help myself in times like these, I have prepared this list of: my favorite motivational quotes from the best business legends as a reminder of why I’m here, what drives my work, and how short this life is.

These quotes will encourage you to work, confirm your idea, create success and do something! These are quotes that are perfect for getting in the right state of mind, pondering big, achieving your most significant goals, and refocusing on the larger picture of why you made the decision to take on this side job in the first place.

“Good things come to those who hurry.” – Anais Nin

Good things don’t (often) fall from the sky, and there isn’t any point in waiting and hoping they are going to. You want start a side business? Stop pondering and talking about it. Start today. Good things will occur when you’re employed hard for them and position yourself to discover opportunities that you would be able to reap the benefits of.

This quote from Anais Nina prolific essayist and creator of the early and mid-1900s, lives on the wall just above my desk. It’s motivating.


“Dreaming is free. Rush is sold separately.” – Unknown

Dreaming doesn’t cost you anything — time, money, or exertions. On the other hand, rushing costs every part. This quote serves as a constant reminder to get off the bed when my alarm goes off at 4:30 a.m. and it’s time to get to work. Never mind what time do you’re employed on your extra jobyou will be drained. Deal with it. Get through the hardships.


“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use it, the more you have.” – Maya Angelou

The best way to start your side hustle is to develop your creativity.

Use this quote from the wonderful Maya Angelou as motivation to create every day—regardless of how small or seemingly insignificant. Act exercise your creative muscle will show you how to refine your craft and turn into even higher. Create. Create. Create.


“Challenges are gifts that force us to find a new center of gravity. Don’t fight them. Just find a new way to stand.” -Oprah Winfrey

If you’re feeling like your side hustle is getting in the way, change your approach to the challenge: it’s simply a shift in your center of gravity. This quote is an inspiration to keep adapting in the face of adversity.

Whenever you’re feeling such as you are starting to put things off, try to notice it and treat it like a plague.stop putting it off the moment you realize you are doing it and find the reward of achieving that milestone.


“What would you do if you weren’t afraid?”– Sheryl Sandberg

Think about this for a moment.

If there was truly nothing holding you back, nothing standing in your way, nothing to be afraid of, what would you do? This quote is an inspiration to do exactly that. What are you waiting for? Should you quit your job proceed your side project that is gaining momentum? Well, Maybe. Tell me. What are you afraid of?


“I didn’t fail. I just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” -Thomas Edison

No one has ever failed to do anything vital (perfectly) the first time—failing once or even dozens of times—shouldn’t mean failure will proceed eternally.

When I fail to complete a large project, fail to acquire a latest client whose offer I presented, fail to achieve the expected results or when I’m in a slump cold email campaign that has gone completely unanswered, I at all times limit the time I allow myself to be discouraged to not more than an afternoon. Then it is time to shake myself, work out where I went mistaken, and start again.


“You have to run with more than your mouth to escape the treadmill of mediocrity. A real smart aleck runs by day and sleepwalks by night.” -Jarod Kintz

In short, actions confirm words.

Don’t tell everyone about your big idea or business dream – use this quote as a reminder to make real progress every day toward making those dreams a reality. Learn the skills you would like to stand out, raise your game, connect with the right people, and find mentors. Don’t make excuses—work hard.


“Work until you no longer have to introduce yourself.” -Anonymous

No one asks Bill Gates who he is. Use this quote as inspiration to achieve greatness – remind yourself of this and you can not fail in the future.


“Things turn out best for those who make the best of the way things turn out.” -John Wood

Success almost never comes in a neat package. This quote will remind you to make the most of what you have and what happens, even if you fail.

the best of everything(*15*)

“If you are not willing to risk the ordinary, you will have to settle for the ordinary.” -Jim Rohn

Being average is easy. It takes work to turn into truly great. Learn to love the rush.

If you wish mediocrity, invest in a low-risk, low-return lifestyle. Want to fulfill your entrepreneurial dreams? You’ll have to hurry Very. Save this quote as your phone background to always remind you why you got here to this planet.


“You can’t have million-dollar dreams if you’re working for minimum wage.” -Stephen C. Hogan

This quote is a recurring theme here: don’t expect big profits unless you invest big sums.

It will take exertions and consistent investment to reach the top of the mountain. If you are having trouble finding the right Business idea value pursuing, then take the time to do deep research on topics you’re personally interested in. Discover meaningful problems you wish to solve—problems you’ll work on even when the going gets tough.

Find a mentor, take classes, attend workshops, practice your solution on friends and family. This is where your investment of time will show you how to make real progress.

work ethicwork ethic

“I’ll tell you the secret to getting rich on Wall Street. You try to be greedy when everyone else is fearful. And you try to be fearful when everyone else is greedy.” -Warren Buffett

Stand out from the crowd, push your limits, and go left when others go right (if you have a good reason to do so).

This quote is a reminder that zigzagging when others zag can reap the benefits of gaps that others don’t see. And this is also common business advice from the best entrepreneurs in the world that I have interviewed, and has also gained wide support in most of today’s best business books—which provides good reason to take this billionaire’s quote seriously.


“Don’t tell me what your priorities are. Show me where you spend your money and I’ll tell you what they are.” —James W. Frick

You can talk a lot about how your side hustle is your priority, but if you are spending half your budget on stuff you don’t need, it speaks louder than words.

Adjust your budget to what priorities do you wish to haveThis is the secret to really getting where you wish to go.

Will achieving your goals require sacrifice? Of course, but I’d argue that almost all significant goals value achieving in life should require sacrifice. Otherwise they would not make sense, right?


“Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you can’t get more time.” -Jim Rohn

Value your time greater than money, because time is a limited resource.

Use this quote as a reminder not to make the mistake of spending a lot of time doing something yourself that may only cost a little if you were to delegate it to another person. If you do not have the resources to delegate and pay for contract-based help, get creative and Find a partner who can be willing to invest their time helping to grow your enterprise in exchange for shares.


“Don’t think about your mistakes and failures, because otherwise you won’t do anything.” -Bill Murray

Failures are vital just to learn from them, but don’t waste your life dwelling on the past. As Bill Murray says, you will never get anything done if you let worry paralyze you.

This quote from the amazing Bill Murray is easy, yet so true.


From changing careers, to starting a latest side hustle, to deciding to quit your day job, investing in a long-term business strategy corresponding to: content marketingor otherwise — be happy to embark on a latest endeavor.

Accept the inevitable reality that there will probably be setbacks in your enterprise. Make peace with it today and enter tomorrow motivated to keep creating.

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