4 Leadership Lessons I Learned Growing My Business

4 Leadership Lessons I Learned Growing My Business

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In most cases, the environment, the challenges we face, and the risks we take define and shape our leadership. My approach to leadership has been transformed by some of the lessons I have experienced. These lessons have taken on tremendous meaning and significance in my life as I entered the healthcare industry at Reset Medical and Wellness Center. And here I would love to share 4 of the most significant leadership lessons I have learned along the way.

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1. Take calculated risks

In leadership, playing it protected won’t get you anywhere—it naturally involves taking risks to grow and drive innovation. I’ve seen how taking calculated risks has positively modified my life and business throughout my profession. For example, when I was navigating the challenges of my previous company, including COVID-19, I ventured into an entirely latest industry by launching Medical and Wellness Center Reset.

When I decided to open Reset, I was driven by a passion to assist those struggling with mental health, PTSD, menopause, long COVID, and other related conditions. However, provided that I was not a doctor, passion was not enough to get me through this. This challenge required me to seek out a doctor who shared my vision of bringing healing and hope to as many people as possible.

Leadership requires strategic risk management while staying true to your vision and values. Sometimes it forces you to step outside your comfort zone, explore the unknown, and be willing to fail. As my friend and mentor, John Maxwell, says, “Fail forward.”

2. Challenges are inevitable – but they will be overcome

Challenges are inevitable in leadership; they arrive from all sides and often at the worst possible times. Most leaders in the workplace face this reality. However, over time I have come to appreciate that obstacles are sometimes disguised as opportunities.

During the pandemic, I witnessed firsthand the value of critical considering and adaptive mechanisms. For example, when we were faced with a potential sale to a private equity group, it forced us to pivot and concurrently seize the opportunity because we deeply value the changing needs of our clients. It was a sink-or-swim situation, and there was no playbook to follow, as most businesses (and families) were in the same situation. This was our mission, and it kept the company afloat against all odds.

Although different, the challenges were equally daunting when Reset was just starting out. Entering the healthcare industry without a medical degree was a major hurdle I had to beat—I knew I couldn’t do it alone. So finding the right doctor to partner with me was crucial.

These experiences hammered home three of my principles to today: stay focused on your mission, be willing to adapt, and build a strong team to remain agile. Collaboration was every thing, and the collective strength of the people around me made even the most daunting obstacles insurmountable.

3. Cultural values ​​are the driving force behind lasting success

If my profession has taught me anything so far, it’s that culture is the backbone of every corner of my business. Everything works like magic when your team aligns with your values ​​and vision. It starts with attracting the right crowd and building real relationships with your customers.

Take my previous company, for example. My team and I put a ton of effort into building a strong, values-driven culture, and it paid off big time. That shared sense of purpose helped us weather the blows, especially during the pandemic. What’s more, we made ourselves attractive to a private equity firm.

I am now putting every thing I have learned into practice. From day one, I have worked hard to build a expert and dedicated team. This approach is already yielding great results and I am certain it can proceed to drive our success in the near future. Sometimes I step back and admire the amazing team we have assembled, and their commitment to providing hope and healing in a patient-centered manner will undoubtedly set us apart from the competition.

Most firms underestimate culture fit, but leaders have to keep in mind that it is one of the foundations of success. Hire slowly, fire quickly, and don’t let individuals who do not buy into the culture and mission stay. They will eventually fuel a failing culture. Culture fit helps create an environment where each people and the company thrive, and in our case, patients feel it.

4. Purpose over profit

At Reset, we reveal that leadership is about greater than just the bottom line. Every time a patient walks in, we make sure we give them something meaningful, something that can truly make a difference in their life. From the moment we took on our first client in April 2024, I knew that starting a purpose-driven company would set us up for success.

From the very starting, I made sure everyone on the team knew our vision and purpose. It’s easy but powerful: We are here to bring hope and healing. These aren’t just empty words on a page. When we created our mission statement, we asked ourselves, “If you heard someone in a restaurant talking about Reset in the booth behind you, what would you want them to say?” This collaborative approach helped us build a mission that actually resonates with our patients and providers every day.

Goal-oriented leadership

Effective leadership is about helping others navigate uncertainty, making informed decisions, and creating an environment where everyone feels valued and motivated. These ideas are greater than just theoretical at Reset; they actively shape our approach, especially as we navigate the complex terrain of worldwide health issues and the broader healthcare landscape.

As we grow, I am deeply committed to continuing to learn and adapt, while using what I have learned to advance our purpose of providing healing and hope to those in need. Leadership, to me, is greater than just managing an organization; it is having a significant impact. It is inspiring those around you, working with a strong sense of purpose, and leaving a legacy that extends beyond the boundaries of any clinic or institution.

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