4 steps that will help you earn more by doing less

4 steps that will help you earn more by doing less

Opinions expressed by entrepreneurs’ colleagues are their very own.

The idea of ​​earning more, making a smaller variety of drainers, seems almost too good to be real. From childhood, many of us have been encouraged to imagine in the strength of exertions. But “hard work” was often formulated as doing something terrible – tasks that we didn’t like, the fights that imposed us. We were told that if we survive it long enough, there could be success.

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But here is the truth: this manner of considering does not at all times result in success. In fact, it often exhausts your energy and limits your potential. Things that are not consistent with your strengths or passions are not a path to life you dream about. So what is it?

Eisenhower was on something

You, me, Jeff Bezos and every billionaire – what do all of us have in common? Time. Each of us receives the same 86 400 seconds a day. While most individuals spend these seconds related to procedures that do not serve them, others focus their energy on what is most significant – using their skills and resources to create values.

The former US president Eisenhower got here up with a great approach to achieve it. He realized that some tasks required immediate attention, others were crucial, but they might wait, and many were dispersed in the disguise of priorities. So he created a matrix that divided his tasks into 4 groups based on two easy criteria, meaning and diligence:

  • Urgent/vital tasks.
  • Urgent/irrespective of.
  • Not urgent/vital tasks.
  • Not urgent/irrespective of.

Categorizing his work in what is really vital and what was not, he was in a position to focus on what brought real results. But how can you use this concept to earn more? Let’s divide it into 4 steps.

1. Categorize your current tasks

Save all the tasks you have accomplished in the chosen time. For example, two weeks is often a realistic and masterful period. Place them in 4 boxes based on their urgency and importance.

Urgent and vital

These critical tasks require immediate motion and could cause serious problems if they are delayed. They are often associated with crisis situations comparable to dealing with a furious customer or dealing with an unexpected technical failure in your system.

These situations often require full attention. Ignoring them can result in long -term damage, so it is vital to act immediately and solve them effectively.

Urgent and not vital

Some tasks on your list could seem urgent, but they do not really contribute to your long -term goals. They can often be a dispersion of attention that cause the illusion of performance, but in fact they do not move the needle forward.

Examples include a response to irrelevant emails, participation in unnecessary meetings or solving small problems that others could easily deal with. Often these are tasks that others ask us, and we cannot refuse to avoid selfish. They can eat your time and energy, distracting your attention from what really matters.

Not urgent and vital

These tasks can achieve or break your long -term success. Although they do not have a direct date, their impact is the most important. Things comparable to strategic planning and personal development belong to this category. They may not require your attention now, but investing time and energy in them will repay in the future.

The same applies to tasks that you really like. If you think you can transfer communication with your clients, but that’s what you do best, you can still put it in the not urgent/vital category.

Not urgent and irrespective of

These tasks are pure distractions that do not add any value to your work or business. These are times that exhaust your performance without contributing to your goals. Sometimes, nonetheless, all of us do it. Social media rewinding, getting lost in irrelevant articles or movies or other mindless actions ensure.

Now, when you classified your tasks, let’s get to the next step.

2. Select tasks that generate the highest revenues or results

Look at your list; What tasks do the most money? In my experience, they often belong to the “not urgent/important” category.

These are tasks in which you are good or bring advantages to your long -term company. For example, no one can build deep relationships with customers as you can. No one else can strate the way forward for your organization. Learning – no matter whether it is a course, reading or discovering recent ideas – is also a “important/urgent” task that only you can do for yourself. This is not urgent, but it must be done if you need to develop.

These tasks might be your best investment. Let’s see why he uses mathematics.

3. Make mathematics

Now let the numbers speak. Look at the total income obtained in the last two weeks and divide it by the total variety of hours spent working on all of your tasks. It gives you a difficult idea of ​​yours Hourly earnings – Basically, how much you earn for each hour of investing.

Then enlarge the tasks that directly contribute to your income – those that generate revenues or results you are looking for. Divide the income earned by the variety of hours spent on them.

Compare these two numbers: average hourly earnings in all tasks and hourly earnings from income generating tasks.

You will probably find that the (*4*)-the value of your time-is much higher when you focus on tasks that really drive your success, especially those that may not seem urgent, but are crucial for long-term growth.

4. Create a delegal diagram

Now, when you identified tasks that generate the most income, it is time to focus on them. Why waste time on something else? If another person can handle the task at lower costs, it makes no sense to spend worthwhile hours.

Thus, the best category for transmitting is “urgent/no matter” tasks. When I refer to entrepreneurs, these are often tasks that eat most of the time. All because they cheat us: in the face of a lot of need, we frequently do not stop to evaluate whether something is vital or not – we just do it because it requires immediate attention.

If you end up in this cycle, consider employing an assistant. If you prefer local help, look for someone nearby. If your budget is tight, hire a virtual assistant from anywhere in the world.

It’s not only about relieving tasks; It’s about effective use of time. Focusing on what only you can do – strategies, building relationships or striving for the possibilities – you make sure that the highest possible return is working every hour. In this manner, the delegation becomes a strategy for creating profits.

Sum up

Focusing on vital, but not urgent tasks was a breakthrough for me. This change helped me go ahead in a way I could not imagine. For example, the priority settlement of science and education led me to the implementation of MBA last yr. It raised me to a recent level, each professionally and in person.

By mastering these frames and devoting time ago, what is really vital, you earn not only more, but also you will create a life that is in line with your goals and dreams.

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