Profitable clarine files for a potentially hit IPO

Profitable clarine files for a potentially hit IPO

The Swedish Finech clarna took the next step in the very anticipated American IPO on Friday, when she did it F-1 Public prospectus. Now we search the document.

Clarna hopes to lift at least $ 1 billion with a valuation of $ 15 billion with this IPO, Bloomberg announced last week. Public documents do not yet reveal the variety of shares that he plans to sell or price range, so we won’t know if IPO will meet his aspirations about obtaining funds or not so long as I have not valid. Usually it is about a month, sometimes more, after making the prospectus publications, so that everybody can chew.

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However, IPO has been expected for years, so possibly his bankers have some suggestions that investors will bite at this level.

One of the reasons could also be that the last private valuation bounced to $ 14.6 billionAccording to reports after one investor increased his participation.

Another could also be that clarna reports profit. In particular, Klarana reported revenues of $ 2.8 billion for 2024, in comparison with around $ 2.3 billion in 2023. A net profit of $ 21 million was also reported in 2024, which is a large swing from the loss in 2023 -244 million dollars.

Klara, founded in 2005 by the current CEO Sebastian Siematkowski, is one of several players who offer the purchase now, they later pay customers for the purchase. After launching in the US in 2015, Klarana reached a huge valuation of over $ 45 billion by 2021, which quickly dropped by 85% to $ 6.5 billion when the Venture Capital 2021 valuation valuation bubbles broke.

Klara has recently informed about the development of her own internal AI system based on OPENAI CHATPPT and the statement that as a substitute reduced the contract for Salesforce CRM for the use of internal systems.

Siematkowski said his home customer support bot with chatgPT drive led to the substitute of 700 full -time contract Employees and savings in the amount of about $ 40 million a yr. He even went to say that Klarana stopped employing aggressively because of the use of AI, allowing her Working strength decreases from 5000 in 2023 to around 3500 to the end of 2024.

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