6 leadership skills that can change the way you do business

6 leadership skills that can change the way you do business

When starting a business, use your strengths. Everyone tells you that, right? But what people don’t tell you is that there will even be some key skills you never thought you would wish that you might want to learn. These skills may vary depending on the variety of business you run, but they are often undervalued leadership skills that apply across all industries. You may know that you should lead by example or trust your gut, but do you know when to make a joke or turn down an opportunity for the Holy Grail? Here, six leaders share the skills they underestimated.

1. Spotting red flags in dream clients

“I underestimated the importance of discernment. At first we had a client who seemed like a dream, but red flags started to appear. They were going through some internal conflict and their directors were contradicting each other, which was affecting our team. business overcame my intuition and ultimately our client’s politics pushed our work aside. It taught me that victory can feel like defeat if you are not careful who you help.” — Lillian Marsh, co-founder and managing director, TinyWins

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