GPU Economics: How to Train an AI Model Without Going Bankrupt

GPU Economics: How to Train an AI Model Without Going Bankrupt

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Many corporations have high hopes that AI will revolutionize their businesses, but those hopes could be quickly dashed by the staggering costs of coaching advanced AI systems. Elon Musk has he identified that engineering problems often stall progress. This is very true when optimizing hardware equivalent to GPUs to efficiently handle the massive computational demands of coaching and tuning large language models.

While large tech giants can afford to spend tens of millions, sometimes billions, on training and optimization, small and medium-sized businesses and startups with shorter runways often to be on the marginIn this text, we’ll look at several strategies that may allow even the most resource-constrained developers to train AI models without breaking the bank.

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I’m in for pennies, I’m in for a dollar

As you most likely know, building and bringing an AI product to market—whether it’s a baseline/large language model (LLM) or a refined downstream application—relies heavily on specialized AI chips, particularly GPUs. These GPUs are so expensive and hard to come by that SemiAnalysis invented the terms “GPU-rich” and “GPU-poor” in the machine learning (ML) community. LLM training could be expensive mainly due to expenses related to hardware, including each acquisition and maintenance, relatively than ML algorithms or expert knowledge.

Training these models requires extensive computation on powerful clusters, and larger models take even longer. For example, training LLaMA2 70B involved exposing 70 billion parameters to 2 trillion tokens, requiring at least 10^24 floating point operations. Should you quit if you are short on GPU? No.

Alternative strategies

Today, technology corporations are using a variety of strategies to find alternative solutions, reduce reliance on expensive hardware, and ultimately lower your expenses.

One approach involves modifying and improving the training hardware. Although this path is still largely experimental and requires large capital expenditures, it offers promise for future optimization of LLM training. Examples of such hardware solutions include custom AI chips from Microsoft AND Finishrecent semiconductor initiatives Nvidia AND OpenAIsingle computing clusters with Baidugraphics processor rental from Extensiveand Sohu is chipping Etchedamong others.

While this is an vital step forward, this system is still more suited to large players who can afford to invest heavily now to reduce expenses later. It does not work for novices with limited financial resources who want to build AI products today.

What to do: Innovative software

Given the low budget, there is one other way to optimize LLM training and reduce costs—through progressive software. This approach is cheaper and accessible to most ML engineers, whether or not they are seasoned professionals or recent AI enthusiasts and software developers looking to enter the industry. Let’s take a closer look at some of those code-based optimization tools.

Mixed precision training

What is this: Imagine your organization has 20 employees, but you rent office space for 200 people. Of course, this is able to be an obvious waste of resources. The same inefficiency occurs during model training, where ML frameworks often allocate more memory than is really obligatory. Mixed-precision training corrects this through optimization, improving each speed and memory usage.

How it really works:To achieve this, lower precision b/float16 operations are combined with standard float32 operations, resulting in fewer computational operations at any given time. To a non-engineer, this may occasionally sound like a bunch of technical gibberish, but it essentially implies that the AI ​​model can process data faster and require less memory without compromising accuracy.

Improvement indicators:This technique can lead to 6x improvement in execution time on GPUs and 2-3x on non-GPUs. TPU (Google’s Tensor Processing Unit). Open frameworks like Nvidia TOP and Meta AI PyTorch supports mixed precision training, making it available for pipeline integration. By implementing this method, corporations can significantly reduce GPU costs while maintaining acceptable levels of model performance.

Activation Checkpoint

What is this: If you are limited by limited memory but also willing to spend more time, checkpointing could also be the right technique for you. In short, it helps to significantly reduce memory usage by keeping the computation to a minimum, thus allowing LLM training without the need for hardware upgrades.

How it really works:The fundamental idea behind the activation checkpoint is to store a subset of the relevant values ​​while training the model and only recompute the rest when obligatory. This implies that as an alternative of storing all the intermediate data in memory, the system stores only what is relevant, thus freeing up memory space. This is similar to the principle of “we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it,” which implies not to hassle with less urgent matters until they require attention.

Improvement indicators:In most situations, activation checkpoints reduce memory usage by up to 70%, although in addition they extend the training phase by about 15-25%. This fair trade-off implies that corporations can train large AI models on their existing hardware without investing additional resources in infrastructure. The aforementioned PyTorch library supports checkpointswhich makes implementation easier.

Multi-GPU Training

What is this: Imagine a small bakery needs to quickly produce a large batch of baguettes. If one baker works alone, it is going to probably take a very long time. With two bakers, the process quickens. Add a third baker and it goes even faster. Multi-GPU training works in a very similar way.

How it really works: Instead of using a single GPU, you employ multiple GPUs at the same time. The training of the AI ​​model is then distributed across these GPUs, allowing them to work side by side. Logically, this is kind of the opposite of the previous method, checkpointing, which reduces the hardware costs in exchange for increased execution time. Here, we use more hardware, but squeeze the most out of it and maximize performance, thereby reducing execution time and reducing operational costs.

Improvement indicators:Here are three robust tools for training LLM using multi-GPU setups, listed in ascending order of effectiveness based on experimental results:

  • Deep speed:A library specifically designed for training AI models using multiple GPUs, able to achieving quickens to 10x faster than traditional training methods.
  • FSDP:One of the hottest frameworks in PyTorch that addresses some of the inherent limitations of DeepSpeed, increasing computational efficiency by one other 15-20%.
  • YaFSDP:Recently released improved version of FSDP for model training, providing 10-25% speedup over the original FSDP methodology.


By leveraging techniques like mixed precision training, activation checkpoints, and multi-GPU utilization, even small and midsize corporations can make significant progress in AI training, each in model tuning and model creation. These tools increase computational efficiency, reduce execution times, and lower overall costs. They also enable larger models to be trained on existing hardware, reducing the need for costly upgrades. By democratizing access to advanced AI capabilities, these approaches enable a broader range of technology corporations to innovate and compete in this rapidly evolving field.

As the saying goes, “AI can’t replace you, but someone who uses AI can.” It’s time to embrace AI, and with the above strategies, you’ll be able to do so even on a budget.


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