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Let me drop a little truth bomb: overnight success is the best trick of all time.
Yes, I said it. The phrase “overnight success” is the perfect bait – shiny, exciting and easy to imagine. But it is also completely, 100% false. True? Success is grind. Messy, sweaty, emotional, lonely and ugly. And it’s much higher this way.
I get it – who would not want to get up one morning with the world at their feet? The real situation is this: that “night” moment? It’s often the culmination of years – years — rushing, failing, and showing up even when it seems not possible.
So let’s paint a picture of the overnight success myth.
When I began my real estate profession, I didn’t just magically turn out to be the founding father of the largest independent brokerage in Texas. It wasn’t like someone gave me the keys to the castle and said, “Congratulations, kid! You did it!” NO.
I failed my real estate exam twenty-two times. Yes, you read that right. Twenty-two.
Nothing humbles you greater than repeatedly failing at something you’re feeling called to do. But the thing is, no one saw the hours I put into the industry before my profession began. What most individuals didn’t see were the countless hours I spent studying, the sacrifices I made, and how many times I wondered if this was something I should work at. These twenty-two failures were not only failures – they were obligatory lessons, and each one helped me learn something and turn out to be stronger.
Nowadays, it’s easier than ever to see only people’s successes. Social media is a highlight reel, showcasing only the best moments, conveniently ignoring the struggles and failures.
On the Internet, we most frequently eat stories of heroes – so-called “overnight successes”. Nowadays, perception versus reality is much more common. People on the Internet tend to hide their dirty work. Left out are the setbacks, the closed doors, and the grind that got them to this viral moment. You see the result, not the fight. It’s 2024, all of us know that is the case.
An important example is a viral video of a founder pitching his product. Suddenly everyone is talking about them. Millions of views. Instant fame, right? Evil. You don’t see the countless late nights, the failed prototypes, the gigs that went nowhere, and the grind that got them to this point. We must remember what it takes for people to get where they dreamed of.
That’s the problem with the overnight success myth – it makes exertions invisible. And when you do not see exertions, it is easy to think, “If I don’t do it quickly, I won’t do it at all.” This way of considering? It’s poison. It tricks you into considering that you simply have by some means failed if you are not “there” yet. But the truth is, if you are still in the game, you are still moving forward.
When you have the probability to quit, you possibly can give in or resist. In those moments when you’re feeling like all the things is against you, the real test is whether you lean in and push through, or let the pressure break you.
So what is the key to success?
It’s easy: keep showing up. Even when you are drained, even when you are frustrated, even when you’re feeling like throwing in the towel. Success doesn’t come from some magic formula or serendipity – it comes from consistency, grit, and the willingness to get back up, irrespective of how many times you get knocked down.
Another tip: keep track of all of your victories, irrespective of how small. Have you bought your first client? Momentum. Have you organized an essential meeting? Momentum. Have you moved one step closer to your goal? More dynamics. You need to remind yourself that progress is not at all times immediate and obvious. Celebrate the small steps because they add up.
Success is not a straight path to the top – it is a long, winding and dirty road stuffed with twists and turns and setbacks. But the journey? This is where the magic happens. The lessons you learn, the people you meet, the resilience you build – that is what makes success price it. The challenges you face today will provide you with the skills to deal with the opportunities of tomorrow. Development can’t be rushed – it must occur in the right way and with the right lessons.
And that is the thing: the journey never ends. There will at all times be latest challenges, latest obstacles and latest goals. But once you get used to the grind, you may start to see that it is not just about getting to the finish line – it’s about growing and evolving along the way. Success is a moving goal, and that is a good thing. Each day brings latest lessons that shape you into a one that can cope with what comes next.
You also need to learn to deal with discomfort. Success is not about avoiding difficult moments – it’s about facing them head-on and continuing to push through them. Discomfort? That’s where growth lives. Embrace it, learn from it, and use it to fuel your next move.
So the next time you’re feeling like giving up because things aren’t moving fast enough, remember this: success doesn’t depend on your timeline. It cares about your effort, perseverance, and ability to keep going when things get messy.
Overnight success is a myth. But real success? It’s a grind. And it’s absolutely price it. Keep driving, buckle up and get over the mess – because that is where the magic happens. It’s not the goal that counts; it’s the way you handle the process that defines your success.