How Erika Kullberg grows her YouTube channel and makes money from it

How Erika Kullberg grows her YouTube channel and makes money from it

Erika Kullberg currently has over two million subscribers on YouTube and over 21 million followers on her social media accounts, but five years ago she began with zero subscribers, like all latest YouTube creators.

Kullberg creates personal finance videos on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and TikTok with content focused on helping people achieve what they need due and sharing personal finance anecdotes from your life, equivalent to: “Why her.” toresign corporate law job for $250,000.

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He says that of all the platforms he posts on, he creates Very YouTube money.

Over the last five years, Kullberg has earned over $353,000 on YouTube, excluding brand sponsorships and before taxes.

Source: Erika Kullberg

Posting one YouTube video a week, it took her about three months to achieve her first thousand subscribers and qualify for monetization. That’s pretty quick: for comparison, data on VidIQ the channel shows that YouTubers earn around 15.5 months on average.

In the interview, Kullberg shared the secrets to fast-tracking the growth of her YouTube channel Entrepreneur.

Entrepreneur: Have you had any strategic mindset or taken any strategic actions to make your channel stand out and make money?

Kullberg: When I began YouTube, I committed to posting one video a week for a yr, irrespective of what. Because I often see on YouTube that folks post five videos and then they get so discouraged that they do not magically get to a thousand subscribers after five videos and they simply surrender. That’s 52 movies. It was a matter of great attitude.

Another thing I did was study and analyze YouTube channels before launching my very own. I noticed how vital it was to get the right thumbnail and the right title. It also must be a topic that you simply are very passionate about.

It took me three months to achieve 1,000 subscribers after posting one video a week. I spent 15 to twenty hours on each film.

How can someone find a area of interest on YouTube that may grow quickly? Are there any research tools or tactics you’ll recommend more broadly?

In the case of a area of interest, I’d advise you to not base your content on what is more likely to grow quickly. Base it on what you are passionate about. I find that a good gauge for understanding how big a potential market is is to see how many of the top people in that area of interest are… this offers you a rough idea of ​​how big that area of interest is.

And if you are specifically wondering learn how to raise money through YouTube, learn how to use it to complement your current income or possibly replace it, I’d also think about how profitable this area of interest might be, not only YouTube ad revenue, which is one from ways to make money, but also other opportunities. Could you change into an affiliate marketer?

If you run a gardening channel, you possibly can promote gardening items and possibly earn a commission from it. This is affiliate internet marketing. So pondering two steps ahead, what is the potential for me to not only grow this channel and gain subscribers, but also make money.

The YouTube search bar is the best tool. There are paid tools that YouTubers use. The three paid tools that come to mind are TubeBuddy, VidIQ, and

What preparations did you do before publishing your first video?

I analyzed what other movies were doing. One exercise I’d recommend to anyone is to seek out individuals who are talking about the same things you need to talk over with.

List them, then go to their YouTube videos and sort by popular videos. This will show you how to discover what viral topics appear in your videos.

How are you able to ensure the continuous development of your channel at this point?

I think if you retain posting content it will proceed to grow. It may not at all times grow at the same rate. Just like in personal finance, if you need to get the most views, you could talk about trends and stay awake up to now with trendy topics.

However, I have type of modified the direction of my channel, so as an alternative I create content that I need to speak about.

How do you balance YouTube with other ventures like your legal tech startup Plug and Law?

Once you begin making money on YouTube, you possibly can determine what you specialize in and then what you possibly can hire.

So when I began YouTube, I used to be working full time as a lawyer and YouTube was my side hobby for 20 hours a week.

Source: Erika Kullberg

I edited the first film myself and it took me 20 hours to learn learn how to edit it. And then one other 10 hours to edit this film. So I hired an editor.

When I began making money on YouTube, I could rent out various parts of it. So I managed to rent someone who designs miniatures. I learned learn how to hire and delegate tasks. I have a lot of individuals on my team now who help me, but it didn’t start out like that.

You worked in corporate law. What advice do you have for someone considering a profession change?

Make sure you have enough money to do this. If you are considering leaving, changing careers, or quitting your job to change into an entrepreneur, start saving.

If you possibly can start exploring your side hobby on the weekends, hopefully that side hobby, once it starts generating regular income, can change into your fundamental activity and you possibly can quit your job.

Have you ever regretted leaving corporate life?

I have never once regretted leaving the corporate world.

I became a lawyer because I desired to help people and I desired to make a difference. However, being a corporate lawyer didn’t meet this requirement and I didn’t like it when my boss dictated and controlled my time. I feel very, very completely satisfied and I have never regretted that I made a decision to be here. Leave corporate life and fancy earnings behind.

Source: Erika Kullberg

Do you have any other advice for entrepreneurs who want to begin and grow a YouTube channel?

I’d say to be clear about your mission, understand your monetization path, understand that the results won’t be quick, it will probably take you twice as long to achieve the variety of subscribers you wish, be patient and understand that it’s a lot of labor.

To offer you some context, I do not remember the exact numbers, but it took me three months to get a thousand subscribers, it took me one other three months to get to 2,000, and then inside a month, between months five and six, it went from 2,000 subscribers to 52,000 subscribers, roughly , and done $20,000 this month from YouTube.

It was a combination of YouTube, ad revenue, affiliates and sponsorships. You’re just one movie away from changing the trajectory of your future. Be patient and don’t surrender.

This interview has been cut and edited for clarity.

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