How to combine data and intuition to make better decisions

How to combine data and intuition to make better decisions

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We live in a data-driven corporate world, so why are 85% of business leaders doing it? report that you’re feeling uncomfortable about the decisions they’ve made recently based on cold, hard facts? Because data only tells half the story, and that is where intuition comes in.

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Intuition fills in the gaps and picks up where the data ends. Have you ever “felt” like someone was looking at the back of your head? How did you know this person was there? It wasn’t data. It was intuition. You have approx 120 billion neurons in the “first brain” in the skull and 100 million neurons in your “second brain” (aka your gut). If you simply focus on one of those brains, you are prone to making ill-informed decisions.

For those just starting out on their entrepreneurial journey, trusting your “gut” or intuition can seem daunting. You are often bombarded with a flood of data, conflicting advice and latest experiences. In this wind, leaning on your stomach will be like navigating without a map. However, developing trust in your intuition is crucial. It’s about honing your internal compass to guide you thru decisions when clear answers might not be obvious. Over time, as you gain more experience and learn from each successes and failures, what once felt like an overwhelming reliance on an unknown force will begin to feel more like a trusted ally in your decision-making process.

I don’t mean to suggest that data isn’t necessary. It is. But trusting your intuition is just as necessary. Your gut can inform you a lot. You just have to find out how to combine it with the data to make informed decisions. If you’re latest to incorporating intuition into your decision-making, here are some steps to take:

1. Collect information from unusual places where there is no data

When you have a problem to solve, don’t just pore over spreadsheets and charts. Look for innovation elsewhere.

I used to be once a part of a group asked to increase Latino market penetration at Disney. Down find ideas in unusual placesour group spent the day with three various kinds of people: “weird”, “deep” and “normal” (in context, “weird” is someone who has a tangential connection to your challenge but comes from a different background, “deep” is someone who works in your industry, but does not work for you “normal” is someone from your industry and company sphere).

My “weird” was a automobile salesman of Spanish origin. He and I took the automobile to a Spanish family so they may try it out. The automobile salesman told me there can be over 20 people in the kitchen when we arrived. He was right. I took this as a clue, so I wrote it down. Another clue got here when Abuela casually said, “When it’s a fiesta, we fiesta; when she is not there, we make her.” Her words were met with laughter, and the laughter continued as more relations got into the automobile.

Next up was my “deep” theme park travel agent who catered to Latino families. I watched her talk to a couple about a fiftieth anniversary cruise. All they cared about was how to have dinner on a cruise ship, five tables for 10 people. They didn’t care about ports or cruise lines. Another tip.

I finally met a “normal” one. It was a Latina celebrating her son’s first birthday. There were loads of friends and relations there, but she lamented that the party was incomplete because her brother was missing. Now the clues got here together: Latino families needed a place where they may gather in large numbers. Therefore, if we could create a series of packages to address this need, we could better attract and serve the Latino market.

Our experience in reaching unusual places has resulted in a lot of ideas. These ideas would not have seen the light of day if it weren’t for the intuition that our data didn’t tell us all the pieces we wanted to know.

2. Use your intuition and support it in your work

It’s one thing to imagine in the power of intuition. It’s one other to embrace it wholeheartedly in your work. So how are you going to nurture it in yourself and those around you? Start by incorporating it into your discussions, especially during meetings or planning sessions. While it’s necessary to respect and understand the data, also open the door to conversations that focus on the human element of what you’re trying to determine.

Listening is a key aspect of intuitive discussions. Ask open-ended questions to get people to provide you with more information that aligns with your intuition. And don’t just listen to what they say; observe their body language and the way they interact with the world around them. Something invaluable I learned early in my profession at Disney was to be the last one to speak. Listen to everyone in the room to gain the knowledge you wish to participate more intuitively in the conversation. Avoid overthinking; as a substitute, let your intuitive voice speak to you and guide you.

Remember: Your competitors probably have a lot of the same data as you. However, they do not have the unique, intuitive insights of you and your team. By trusting these insights, you’ll be able to discover emotional connections and consumer needs that are not visible in data alone, supplying you with a competitive advantage. Engage couples in conversation as you search for these intuitive gems. Often, couples will monitor each other’s responses, ensuring authenticity as one partner corrects the other if they stray from the truth. This dynamic allows you to gain deeper insights than you’ll be able to from just people.

Additionally, take the opportunity to go beyond your regular office or focus group meeting space and visit your consumers’ living spaces. Observing them in their natural surroundings may reveal additional intuitive insights as you notice things in their surroundings that either confirm or challenge your initial thoughts. This approach not only enriches your understanding, but also strengthens the human element in your research, providing a solid foundation for making more empathetic and consumer-centric decisions.

As an entrepreneur, mastering the balance between data-driven insights and intuitive pondering is a powerful step toward effective decision-making. While data provides a solid foundation, incorporating intuition adds a critical dimension, allowing you to see beyond the numbers and make connections which may otherwise go unnoticed. I encourage you to trust your gut, because it is invaluable in navigating complex situations where data alone may not provide all the answers. As you proceed to grow what you are promoting, combining these skills is not going to only increase your confidence, but may even differentiate your approach, helping you develop progressive solutions and build meaningful connections.

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