It’s time to rewrite your company’s values ​​- here’s how

It’s time to rewrite your company’s values ​​- here’s how

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Most organizations define their values ​​at key moments – at founding, during rebranding, or when leadership changes. However, too often these values ​​are relegated to the “About Us” page of your website, alongside the mission and vision, which must be forgotten.

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Even if employees know your values, they often feel disconnected from them. This is because many company values ​​are dopaminergic ideals—concepts that evoke excitement or aspiration, but lack any basis in practical application. They do not serve to adapt behavior, build trust, or guide decision-making – and that is a missed opportunity.

Values ​​are one of the strongest tools a company has. They provide alignment, enhance autonomy, and enable flexibility. However, in many organizations, values ​​remain neglected and underutilized.

What does “value” really mean?

Word value comes from a Latin root meaning “to be worthy” or “to be strong.” It has a common origin with brave. Living your values ​​is an act of courage. It means steadfastness in what is most vital. For a company, it is the basis for a loyal, connected and vibrant culture.

Each team is composed of individuals with unique backgrounds and personal values. Common values ​​bring people together. They create alignment around a common goal, removing ambiguity and reducing the need to guess intent. Through shared values, trust increases and teams can focus on meaningful motion, even in the face of uncertainty.

Competitive value advantage

Strong values ​​don’t just shape your internal culture – in addition they set you apart in the marketplace. As Simon Sinek said, “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.” Your values ​​express yours Why. They communicate what your company stands for and how you function in the world.

This principle is the basis of my book, Start with values. Refreshing your company values ​​is not about branding or appearance. It’s a deep, introspective process. It asks two fundamental questions: Who are we now? AND How do we would like to function in a continuously changing world?

Co-creation brings values ​​to life

The best values ​​are created together. Start by asking your team: “What is most important to you?” Collect their answers. Look for patterns. You could also be surprised by what you discover.

In my work with firms, this exercise is often revealing unexpected observations. In one organization, employees identified wisdom, honesty and achievement as their most vital values. Management didn’t see this coming – they assumed the team’s priorities were focused on service and stability.

We have refined these values ​​into practical principles:

  • Honesty became Do the right thing.
  • Wisdom became Evolve — a call to learn and grow.
  • Achievement became Be brave — a call for trust and innovation.

This process matters. When employees feel heard and see their contributions reflected, they are much more likely to embrace and live these values. Ownership transforms abstract ideas into shared commitments.

Rule of three

Three is the magic number for company value. Why? Because it is easy to remember. Think of the three little pigs, the three sensible men, or the simplicity of the “ABCs” we learned as children. Limiting yourself to three values ​​provides clarity and focus.

These values ​​should turn into the lenses for decision-making. For example, a customer support agent handling a grievance might ask:

  • Can I boldly solve this problem?
  • Can we improve our process to prevent similar problems?
  • Am I doing the right thing for the client and the company?

These questions provide clarity and give employees the confidence to act. Decisions turn into faster and alignment improves.

Turning values ​​into motion

Values ​​shouldn’t be static words on a page. They should drive the way your business operates – how you act, react and make decisions.

Elite teams like the Navy SEALs and championship sports teams exhibit this in practice. For them, values ​​are not theoretical concepts. They are embedded in every motion and decision. Over time, these values ​​turn into second nature – not because they have been forgotten, but because they have been fully integrated.

In the corporate world, firms with strong values ​​consistently outperform their competitors. They strengthen trust, encourage innovation and efficiently cope with challenges. Teams that know what they need move faster, collaborate higher, and deliver more consistently. Gallup research suggests that connecting to company culture results in a four-fold increase in engagement and a 62% reduction in burnout.

Why now?

If your values ​​seem outdated or disconnected from reality, now is the time to revisit them. Values ​​should reflect who you are today, not who you were five or 10 years ago. They should be relevant, actionable and consistent with your organization’s goals.

Start by listening to your team. Identify shared personal values. Then turn these insights into three clear, actionable organizational values. These values ​​should encourage, guide and energize – not overwhelm. If done right, values ​​are greater than just statements. They are your identity. They build trust. They drive performance. They create a culture that folks want to be a a part of.

It’s time to rethink your company’s values. The secret to a thriving, connected team could also be closer than you realize.

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