The power of purpose-driven marketing: building authentic brands

The power of purpose-driven marketing: building authentic brands

Business is greater than just profits. You most certainly began your organization because you desired to create something recent in the market, perhaps it even reflected your unique perspective as an entrepreneur. One thing that more and more business owners are realizing is that with a little extra attention, their corporations may also be a source of real good in the world.

Living your values ​​has greater than just positive effects on your community. It may also create priceless marketing opportunities. Purpose-driven marketing, when done authentically, might be a great option to develop deeper relationships with consumers. The result might be more fruitful engagement and higher sales. So let’s take a closer look at the concept and find out how to implement it effectively.

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Find out what is vital to your consumers

Ideally, your values ​​might be fundamentally aligned with those of your consumers. However, from a marketing perspective, it is vital to grasp the specific elements of shared values ​​that they care about most. As a result, you may make decisions that reflect your true purpose while also relying on characteristics that drive engagement.

A very good example here is sustainable development. There are consumers increasingly concerned about durability, often making purchasing decisions based on brands’ activities. In fact, the advantages for businesses go beyond customer engagement. Sustainability practices also help minimize resource use and may even make workplaces healthier by impacting worker satisfaction and retention. Sustainability has many elements, so focusing on the actions and considerations that are most specific to your demographic can keep your marketing efforts focused.

For example, a Scottish sportswear brand Masked is guided by a range of sustainability values, from working with local small businesses to an environmentally friendly supply chain. However, much of the purpose-driven marketing focuses on the undeniable fact that sportswear is made from recycled nylon fishing nets. This is more likely to be particularly noticeable for customers whose priorities include supporting the circular economy.

Therefore, conduct market research on your goal demographic. Instead of simply targeting your customers’ values, ask what exactly they’re looking for. The data you gain will enable you make informed decisions about find out how to higher connect with your audiences based on common core ethical principles and goals.

Align all areas of your enterprise

An easy mistake to make with goal-oriented marketing is to focus on the marketing part. Superficial statements on your blog or about how vital it is for your brand to make a difference in your community probably won’t be enough.

Instead, to actually make an impact, the purpose that drives your marketing have to be aligned across your organization. This helps be sure that these values ​​are present not only when customers read your blog. Instead, they gain a sense of purpose through product design and customer support. It’s a more holistic strategy.

Perhaps the best example is Ben and Jerry. Every part of this business is aligned with its core values ​​of human rights, environmental sustainability and social justice. As a result, the product is of higher quality, employees are more engaged, and the company enjoys a solid fame. These are invaluable resources that marketers can use to create purpose-driven campaigns because authentic ethical and social standards exist already inside the company.

So how are you going to higher align all areas of your enterprise with your goals? For smaller corporations, a practical approach is to carry regular all-hands meetings with employees. Have a discussion about the company’s core purpose and encourage everyone to share their thoughts on how operations can more effectively reflect the company’s core ethics. Prioritizing worker contributions may also be a great option to create collaboration across departments on activist projects that reflect your values ​​and increase consumer loyalty. Not to say, it may possibly be an integral part of gaining worker buy-in.

These meetings also typically highlight potential marketing opportunities. You’ll find that collaboration sessions can reveal which employees are particularly engaged and vocal about making positive changes to the company. Passionate employees might be great ambassadors for your brand and participate in marketing projects resembling videos and social media posts.

Rebranding with Your Values

You might have to rebrand your assets to raised reflect your organization’s purpose. This serves several imperatives. First, branding is the most direct communication about your organization that customers typically experience. When your brand reflects your purpose, it shows customers what you stand for and emphasizes how vital it is to place it at the center of your organization. It also helps increase consistency. If your branding is not aligned with your values, it could appear to be your “purpose” is less vital than you claim.

Start with mindfulness rebranding your social media accounts. These channels are direct ways for consumers to interact with your organization and are an extension of your brand identity. It is essential to make sure a consistent message that aligns with your goal.

Steps to take here may include:

  • Take an inventory of all of your social media accounts to make sure changes are made across the board and remain consistent.
  • Make changes to raised reflect your goal. Do you should change your username to represent your values? Can you update your profile description to reflect your goals? You might have to delete all posts and start from scratch to supply content or a brand voice that is more representative of your mission.
  • Communicate with your followers. Let them know in advance that you just are making changes and why. It can assist reassure them that you just’re not attempting to create an inauthentic image for cynical purposes. Rather, your goal is for your marketing to more holistically represent your values.

You may additionally consider updating the look of your brand to raised fit your goals. That said, it’s crucial to avoid the appearance of “eco shaming,” where brands pretend to be sustainable without doing anything to support it. Explain that you just are making changes to raised communicate your purpose and values. Perhaps create content showing the development of your recent brand visualization and the thoughts that went into it. You provide transparency about your efforts, which might increase customer confidence in your intentions.


Authentic purpose-driven marketing can enable you develop higher relationships with consumers based on shared values. It’s very vital to be transparent and make sure your efforts are not – and do not seem like – superficial tactics to extend sales. Make sure your people, your brand and your operations are aligned with your purpose and base your marketing strategies on that. You’ll find that representing the good you do in the world can profit many people associated with your organization.

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